Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ideas to organize a closet

 5 closet purging tips to help even the greatest of hoarders get rid of the old to make way for the new. Now that it holds only what you love, it’s time to get organized. After reviewing these 5 expert tips, you’ll never lose a garment in the depths of your closet again.

1. Investing in velvet slimline hangers is just about the best thing you can do when it comes to closet organization. Not only do they take up about half the space of regular hangers, they are flocked so clothing doesn’t slip and fall to the floor. Plus, you will love how uniform they look. Real Simple sells them in a pack of 50, definitely the best deal out there.
2. Organize your closet by garment type. For example, keep dresses all together and further break them down into style: shirt dresses, sundresses, cocktail dresses, evening gowns… get the drift? Do this for every clothing category, and you’ll always know where each and every piece is.
3. Utilize all of your closet space, even if the top shelf seems like a pain in the ass to reach. This is especially important in a city like New York where space is built vertically instead of horizontally. A folding step stool will give you a boost and fits neatly into a tight space.
4. Ahh shoes, you can never have too many. And the good news is, there are tons of ways to store shoes in a small space. If you have a deep closet, hanging door organizers are a dream. If under your bed is where extra space exists, grab one or two containers made to dwell there.
5. Belt hangers prevent accessory clutter and don’t take up a lot of space on the rack. Also, if you have limited drawer space, hanging tank tops from these little organizers saves more room than you think.

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