Friday, March 25, 2011

Musicians@Google Presents: Google Goes Gaga

Lady Gaga is the latest participant in Google’s Musicians@Google series, and her contribution is a delightful hourlong interview with Google VP Marissa Mayer. Yes, the interview is super long, but it’s totally fascinating. Mayer drew the questions from 54,000 fan-submitted inquiries. One particular exchange warmed our hearts (it appeared to warm Gaga’s, too).

Fan: “My first question that I wanted to ask was: how are you? I remember in one of your interviews you said that that was a question that interviewers never really asked you and actually meant it. So I wanted to ask you and actually mean it, so… how are you?”

Gaga: “I would say that the only reason I ever mentioned that people don’t ask how I am genuinely is because it took a lot of bravery to get to where we are today. A lot of people see glasses and shoulder pads and crazy outfits, and over the years it was very difficult to do interviews because that’s all people would talk about. So I guess what I would say is I’m doing wonderful now because of how brave all my fans have made me. Thank you for making me brave, and I hope I can make you brave.”

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